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    Santa Clara River bibliography

    This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author:
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    Gabet, EJ (2003).
    Sediment detachment by rain power
    Water Resources Research 39(1).

    Gabet, EJ (2003).
    Sediment transport by dry ravel
    Journal of Geophysical Research 108(2049).

    Gabet, EJ (2003).
    Post-fire thin debris flows: sediment transport and numerical modelling
    Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 28(12):1341–1348.

    Gabet, EJ, and Dunne, T (2003).
    A stochastic sediment delivery model for a steep Mediterranean landscape
    Water Resources Research 39(9):1237.

    Gabet, EJ, Reichman, OJ, and Seabloom, EW (2003).
    The Effects of Bioturbation on Soil Processes and Sediment Transport
    Annual Review Earth Planet Science:249-73.

    Gaeuman, DA, Schmidt, JC, and Wilcock, PR (2003).
    Evaluation of in-channel gravel storage with morphology-based gravel budgets developed from planimetric data
    Journal of Geophysical Research 108.

    Hanson, RT, and Koczot, KM (2003).
    Simulation of Ground-Water/Surface-Water Flow in the Santa Clara-Calleguas Ground-Water Basin, Ventura County, California
    U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations Report(02-4136), Sacramento, CA.

    Hooke, J (2003).
    Coarse sediment connectivity in river channel systems: a conceptual framework and methodology
    Geomorphology 56:79–94.

    Meigs, A, Yule, D, Blythe, A, and Burbank, D (2003).
    Implications of distributed crustal deformation for exhumation in a portion of a transpressional plate boundary, Western Transverse Ranges, Southern California.
    Quaternary International 101-102:169–177.

    National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) (2003).
    Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement: Robles Diversion Fish Passage Facility, Ventura River, California.
    National Marine Fisheries Service, .

    Roering, JJ, Schmidt, KM, Stock, JD, Dietrich, WE, and Montgomery, DR (2003).
    Shallow landsliding, root reinforcement, and the spatial distribution of trees in the Oregon Coast Range.
    Canada Geotechnical Journal 40(2):237–253.

    Sommerfield, CK, and Lee, HJ (2003).
    Magnitude and variability of holocene sediment accumulation in Santa Monica Bay, California
    Marine Environmental Research 56(1-2):151–176.

    Stoecker, MJ (2003).
    Steelhead migration barrier assessment and recovery opportunities for the Sisquoc River, California
    Unknown, .

    USDA Forest Service (USFS) (2003).
    Environmental Assessment for Sespe Creek Comprehensive River Management Plan (Review Copy)
    USDA Forest Service, (R5-MB-026), Los Padres National Forest.

    USDA Forest Service (USFS) (2003).
    Comprehensive River Management Plan Sespe Creek
    USDA Forest Service, (R5-MB-038), Los Padres National Forest.

    Warrick, JA, and Milliman, JD (2003).
    Hyperpycnal sediment discharge from semiarid southern California rivers: implications for coastal sediment budgets
    Geological Society of America Bulletin 31(9):781–784.

    Willis, CM, and Griggs, GB (2003).
    Reductions in fluvial sediment discharge by coastal dams in California and implications for beach sustainability
    Journal of Geology 111(2):167–182.

    Azor, A, Keller, EA, and Yeats, RS (2002).
    Geomorphic indicators of active fold growth: South Mountain- Oak Ridge anticline, Ventura basin, southern California
    Geological Society of America Bulletin 114(6):745–753.

    Dunne, T, and Gabet, EJ (2002).
    A stochastic sediment supply model for a semi-arid landscape
    University of California Water Resources Center, Technical Completion Reports, .

    ENTRIX, Inc. (2002).
    Resident Species Study, Santa Clara River Estuary, Ventura Water Reclamation Facility NPDES Permit No. CA0053651, CI-1822
    Prepared for the City of San Buenaventura, .

    Gabet, EJ (2002).
    Sediment loading to channels in a steep mediterranean landscape
    Phd thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara.

    Gabet, EJ (2002).
    Sediment Loading to Channels in a Steep Mediterranean Landscape
    Phd thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California.

    Gabet, EJ, and Dunne, T (2002).
    Landslides on coastal sage-scrub and grassland hillslopes in a severe El Niño winter: The effects of vegetation conversion on sediment delivery
    Geological Society of America Bulletin 114(8):983–990.

    Graf, WL, Stromberg, J, and Valentine, B (2002).
    Rivers, dams, and willow flycatchers: a summary of their science and policy connections
    Geomorphology 47(2):169–188.

    Lin, C (2002).
    Effects of Landscape Modification on Stream Ecology and Structure in a Mixed-Use Watershed in Mediterranean Southern California.
    Phd thesis, University of California, Los Angeles.

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